Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Finishing - Base Colour

Checking the fit of the rear deck after the first top coat. The Deck railing is made from black acrylic, heated and bent to fit the deck edge. All the glass on the yacht will be presented as black, so the deck railing was made in black acrylic to show that its a glass railing.

After another 3 coats of grey primer were applied (with rubbing back between each coat) before the base colour was applied. I have chosen to go with a metallic gunmetal grey for the main surfaces. I didnt want to have 'just another white yacht' so I thought this would be a bit different.

These photos show the yacht with 3-4 coats of the base gunmetal grey applied. I rubbed back each layer of paint with 1200 wet & dry paper too. The colour seemed a bit bland with the first couple of coats, but each subsequent layer added extra depth to the paint.

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